Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sick As a Dog

I'm not sure where that expression comes from, but Oliver is not well. I think it's something he ate. He has some explosive diarrhea. Fortunately, I have been able to manage it so that it happens outside. It is the worst. Last night, we went out on an owl expedition (see previous post) and Oliver went to the far east side of the yard. I went up the driveway to check the mail box, but I could see him squatting. There was a gusher of liquid dog feces followed by some very serious dog flatulence. The wind was out of the east last night and I could smell his dog gas on the other side of the east yard. Had he been smoking, he might have exploded. Dog methane is the worst and this was powerful.

So we went to the vet today. He got special dog food, an  antibiotic and some probiotics to add to the food. He had no fever, but he had lost some weight. He has been a pooping machine, so this does not surprise me. His appetite seems unaffected by all of this. He eats. It just goes right through him. Been drinking a lot of water too. I suppose all the pooping has dehydrated him.

I think he has been eating deer droppings in the back yard. I am not sure why dogs do this, but I think this might be at the root of the problem. He will also chew up sticks and eat leaves, so I guess he could have irritated his intestinal tract. The vet seems to prefer the deer shit theory. Apparently, this is a common occurence with suburban dogs. Whatever it is, it's supposed to be gone by Saturday or we are going back. He's been really mopey too. I suppose crapping so much can really wear a dog out. Here's to hoping my buddy gets better.


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