Sunday, January 22, 2017

Get Over Yourself Already

Well, I've been working on that project for 59 years. Maybe this is the year I will succeed. It is a task whose time has come. I just can't seem to get there.

Why is it that most everything pisses me off? Why can I not live and let live? Just because I disagree with something or someone, it does not mean I should go apoplectic. I just have a low tolerance for people that disagree with me or want to do something in a way different from my own.

There is also the introvert factor. I like being alone. I have had precious little of that for the last 5 years and 8 months. Now that I have it back, I would like to keep it. I have a place to hide again where I am in charge and in control. I have no one's feeling to consider except mine and the Lords.But I digress.

Yes, I know that 'me' time is selfish time. But who is injured? No one. And since I do not play well with others (as my kindergarten teacher used to say), it works out for everyone involved.

There are some things in life though that need to be enjoyed, observed or practiced with others. Church is one of those things. Even when I do not want to play with them, I still need them. I should forget about what I want when I am with them and be nice. Mom always used to say, "Jeff, share your stuff...Jeff, be nice....Jeff, no one will like you if you act that way...."

She was right, but I didn't really care all that much. I was always my own entertainment. Us onlys are like that. I think that's why some of us are very successful and some of us are in mental institutions.
I'm sort of in the middle on that. I have been moderately successful and crazy at the same time. I am a bit eccentric, self centered and crabby, but I can also work with others well enough to be able to prosper and keep a few friends.

All things considered, I am good with that. It could have been a lot worse. Just sayin...

So if I seem really bitchy on a given day and oh so nice on another, it's not necessarily because I'm crazy. It's just the way I am.

I'm trying to get over myself. One day I will....probably in a big car on the way to Hamilton's .

I am so funny  

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