Saturday, January 28, 2017

Dad And His Dog

As I mentioned earlier in the week, Dad is not doing well. I think he is approaching his last few days with us here. Today when I went in, He was unresponsive to anything but touch. He was not talking and could not stay awake. Physically, he is a shadow of who he was on November 30th, the day before he broke his hip. He has lost 40+ lbs since that day and his mental state has been in decline since that time. It also seems like he can no longer swallow. Even water makes him choke. He tried yesterday to suck on a straw, but it did not seem like he knew what to do once the straw was in his mouth.

In talking to the nurse today, she advised that his medication has been discontinued since he is not swallowing. They are also giving him hospice type care now. I asked if she thought it would be long now. She advised it would not be. I do not expect him to last through next week, though he is a unpredictable man. We will see. He does not seem to have any pain. He is resting. He looks like he is dreaming. He reaches up with his eyes closed. His lips move like he is in discussion with someone. I would like to know if it's just simple dreaming or if something supernatural is going on. It makes me curious. I guess I will find out myself soon enough.

Anyway, now is the time to visit if you want to see him alive. I know that sounds terrible, but it's true. It's also true that he looks quite different than he did a month ago. Please be prepared for that change. Be strong for him. It may look like he is sleeping, but talk to him anyway. Who knows what is really going on in his netherworld. He may be glad to hear your voice.

I told him it was OK if he wanted to go home and see Mom. There was no response, but I do think he's ready.

Please pray for a gentle passing.

Dad's dog, Oliver, is another issue. I have had him to the vet twice this week. His digestive tract is in an uproar. The original prescription was not working. He got a revision to fit his new diagnosis. New food and a steroid to go with the antibiotic and the pro biotic powder.

As for the diagnosis, the doctor says Oliver has a genetically inherited disorder called Protein Losing Enteropathy. It's something that is common in Wheaten Terriers (as well as Yorkshires). The symptoms are weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea. Oliver has all of these things going on. A blood test revealed that his protein levels were at 2.4. He was in the normal range in June 2016 - it was 6.6. So you see the concern.

PLE usually has a trigger. Normally it's caused by something the dog eats that irritates the bowel lining. Dad had Oliver eating ice cream almost daily. This is not good for a dog's liver or pancreas. It causes them to secrete substances that can irritate the bowel lining.  Fortunately, he did not have pancreatitis, but things like this can trigger PLE. So can swallowing any number of the wrong things which Oliver does with regularity.

Next Tuesday, Oliver will be getting an ultrasound and an x-ray to be sure that whatever he ate that triggered the PLE is not still lodged in his intestine. Until then, he is on steroids, antibiotics and low fat food dusted with pro biotics. It could become a regular thing. The steroids are making him alternately sleepy and thirsty. The antibiotic upsets his stomach, even when taken with food. He did not keep his first dose of pills down today. The second dose went better and he also kept his supper down. I am hopeful. Even so, this could get expensive. $120.00 on Tuesday and $250.00 today. Next Tuesday could be worse.

I just pray he recovers. PLE in it's final stages sounds awful. Oliver is a good dog. I do not want to lose him too.        

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry, Jeff. Praying for you, Oliver and your dad. Very difficult, please take care of yourself.


Be Gentle.