Monday, September 5, 2016


Yes, I know it's Monday. I've not gone completely around the bend. I just thought I should write about it since it was my first day back in the classroom at church working the teaching side of things. I had a good time. It was so nice to be in charge of the conversation :^). We had about 12 and that's not bad for a holiday weekend. Three couples were kind enough to advise me in advance of their absence, so I am hoping to have six more in attendance next week and maybe eight. We will see.

My class is studying the gospel of John. I have to say that it's my favorite gospel. I like it because it is, as one (angelic) class member said, relational. In John, you can see more clearly, the relationship that Jesus had with His disciples. He is more than their Rabbi or Teacher. He is their friend. He loves them all desperately. It's also apparent that when Jesus looks at them, He sees a future for His church. It's not necessarily a pretty future, but it is realistic given what He has to work with. And that's really it, isn't it? The only reason the Church has survived for 2000 years has nothing to do with Jesus' disciples. Had we been doing this church thing alone, it would have failed centuries ago. The reason it works, even if in fits and starts, is because Jesus is living in His Church, continuing to love and relate to His disciples and forcing to the next thing.

Jesus is our Lord and our God, but He is also our friend. This is the point of John's gospel I think. It is what I get from it. It seems all too apparent to me when I read it.

In many places in the gospel, John speaks of "the disciple whom Jesus loved". Both the text of the gospel and also many scholars indicate that this was John himself. I cannot imagine what it must have been like to be with Jesus in His time here, to know His love and care and mind, touching Him, leaning back in His everlasting arms and having casual conversation with Him.

John enjoyed all these things. It was his early life as a young fisherman/student. The joy of that time must have been permanently burned into his mind.

Oh, to be John.

I also get the impression that he was Jesus' favorite. I know Peter thought that (John 21) and he was a bit jealous. The others may have thought that also, but it really makes no difference. As Jesus said to Peter in John 21, "...what is that to you? You must follow Me."

Jesus may well have had a special place in His heart for John simply because of his loyalty. John seems to have been the only apostle that attended at the crucifixion. He was there with the women. Jesus spoke to him from the cross. It was there that Jesus placed His mother, Mary, into John's care. Again, a special assignment because of their special relationship.

Oh, to be John.

Many cringe at the idea that Jesus would have a favorite. I think that comes mostly from the present egalitarian philosophy of our times. We have all been given a right to become children of God (John 1:12). What we do with that right though, can determine the degree of difficulty we must endure in our faith walk. And so it is that we see such a contrast in scripture between two men of God, Peter and John. Peter was brash and forward when in a group, but like a typical Alpha male, his courage would melt when he was alone and put to the test. John was quiet, even tempered and consistent. He was the Sigma to Peter's Alpha personality. I think that's why you see them together so much in the early chapters of Acts. They need each other to do the things they have to do. John needs Peter's forwardness and Peter needs John's level headed knowledge of Jesus.

I cannot imagine how much they both must have missed Jesus after He went Home. I know they had a special anointing of the Holy Spirit, but I cannot imagine it was anything like having Jesus right there next to you. I long for that Day!

I have digressed. It's OK. I love talking about this stuff. Let me leave you with this.
 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:34,35

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