Thursday, September 1, 2016


When I was a kid, maybe 4 years old, Grandpa and Grandma took me to the Ringling Brothers- Barnum and Bailey Circus at Vets Auditorium in Des Moines. We had seats on the floor, front and center. I recall arriving early. I think it was early. Not many people were there. Anyway, we sat down and watched what appeared to be prep for the show.

There were clowns on the floor. One in particular approached us. It was Emmet Kelly. He was in full garb and make up and he was pretending to dust the chairs next to ours. I was laughing. Grandpa was grinning. He approached Grandma, smiled at her and sat in her lap.

I was on the floor laughing. If you knew Pauline, you would know her to be a bit prim and proper and very guarded of her personal space. She was outraged that this clown would sit in her lap while Grandpa and I laughed at her molestation. It set the tone for the whole show. It was a circus after all.  I also remember that at some point in the show there was this teeny tiny car that came buzzing out into the center ring. It's single front door popped open and what seemed like dozens of clowns came bursting forth. It was hilarious. They immediately went about annoying each other and those of us on the floor. I loved it.

I have never forgotten that. It was my first experience with clowns. It was good. It was funny. It was fun.

As life went on, I discovered that many people do not have high opinions of clowns. I never understood this. I have always found them entertaining. I guess first clown experiences are important. If they are not good, then clowning around will not be good. Fear of clowns may even dog you for your entire life. I have known of grown men and women that fear clowns. I have seen young children burst into tears at the sight of clowns. It all seemed so odd to me. I can even remember dressing as a clown for Halloween on numerous occasions.

The notion of 'creepy clowns' never entered my reality until later in life. I would see them in different venues and I began to understand. Then, back in the 80's, I read a novel by Stephen King called "IT", about a demonic presence that would reassert itself periodically. It would manifest as a clown every 20 years or so in this small town and pray on children. The book is freighting. The power behind this literary clown seems to be satanic.

There is also the whole John Wayne Gacy thing and recent odd appearances of creepy clowns with black balloons in Green Bay and Chicago and in the last two weeks in Greensboro.  These last clowns were seen by children in groups of ten offering money and candy to follow them into the woods to an abandoned house.

The whole thing is just weird to me. How did our culture turn something that was wholesome and funny and entertaining like a clown into a terror to be feared? I hate it.

Maybe I just do not understand the whole clown concept. Perhaps they are supposed to be evil or at least misbehaving. Maybe it's because I like the misbehaving part that I do not fear them. Whatever. I have always liked clowns and even considered becoming one at some point and for a brief shining moment. Clowns make me happy.

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