Saturday, December 10, 2016


As you may be aware, Dad is at Parkridge  in the skilled care wing. He has been going to therapy twice daily. Yesterday I had a meeting with the therapist and the social worker at the facility. Dad is not progressing with his therapy and will be moved to long term care next Wednesday if he does not show signs of progress. Aside from standing up with the assistance of three therapists, he has not done much else and is not cooperative with their efforts. He does not seem to grasp that he will not walk again without this therapy. I believe this is because the Alzheimer's has advanced a great deal since his fall. He seems more confused now than he has ever been and I'm sure recent events only make this worse. From the ER to the hospital to surgery and recovery followed by transfer to Parkridge; this would be enough to confuse me and I don't have Alzheimer's...yet.

He just cannot concentrate. He is unable to punch through the dementia fog and see what it is he needs to do and his intolerance of pain has increased. I'm not sure where his mind is, but it is not on recovery or dealing with the discomfort of therapy.

He is also not eating as he should. I was with him at breakfast yesterday. He had a bite of egg and two bites of French toast. That's not going to make him him stronger. He will eat bananas and drink certain juices and this should help, but I do not think it will be enough in the long term. I am told that awareness of hunger and satiation is one of the things that goes in the later stages of Alzheimer's.

In all, the outlook is not rosy. I suppose he could go on for five years or more in his current state, but I do not know that. He had Alzheimer's when I got him and that was over five years ago. I do not know the duration of the stages. He may be at the end of the road or at least close. It remains to be seen.

Today when I was in to see him, it was apparent he had some visitors. There were cards and chocolate from my cousin's candy shop in Pella. Dad remembered people being there, but could not tell me who. He remembers faces and associations, but not names. I'm not sure he even knows my name. At physical therapy today, he thought he was at the dairy. He kept telling the woman that was working with him that she should get to know the drivers better because they make good husbands. It will be interesting to see if this kind of commentary becomes inappropriate...if you know what I mean. He has turned into a bit of a comedian.

When he moves to long term care, he will have a roommate. I hope it will be someone he can talk to and that they get along well together. It's important.

That's all I've got on the 'Dad' front. Later.    

1 comment:

  1. Jeff, you are doing a good job taking care of your dad. I'm sorry he's not doing well. Praying for both of you.


Be Gentle.