Saturday, December 31, 2016

And Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Program...

Sorry for all the music videos. I hope that you at least listened to them and discovered new songs you had never heard by artists famous for other things. Two of the Kevin Max offerings were in conjunction with Rich Mullins in a project called Canticle of the Plains. If you ever have the opportunity, you should listen to the entire CD. It was a concept album of sorts. Rich wanted to take the life of St Francis of Assisi out of it's medieval context and put him in the 19th century American west. In it's final state, I think it was going to be a musical, but I do not believe that ever happened. I could be wrong about that.

There was also a song from Zion, (Rich Mullins' original group and the name of his first album). I have the album. If you can get a copy and you have something to play it on, there is some good stuff there including the original version of "Sing Your Praise to the Lord". It has an almost classical sound in the prelude. Most of the songs from the album can also be found on YouTube and the sound quality is good.

The Keith Green Song is one of my favorites. I also like his "Easter Song". Again, these can be found on YouTube if you do not want to purchase a recording.

I hope you enjoyed them all and listened carefully to the words. Rich and Keith were as much poets as song writers. They actually preached through their music. It's something I admire and envy. Kevin Max has an unusual voice quality, especially for a man. His delivery of the songs featured in the videos is incredible to my mind. I have no idea what he is doing today. I suppose he could have joined Rich and Keith in the great amphitheater of heaven.  

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