Monday, December 26, 2016

December 25th...A Review

So, I got up, showered, shaved and and drank large amounts of coffee. Then I went to church. It was Christmas Day. The Body met at 1000. It was much the same as the Saturday night service with some minor changes. I sat with an Angel, which was appropriate for Christmas Day. I then went home and sliced the eggnog cheesecake and waited for the appropriate time to leave for Alison's. Took the Dog outside, even though it was raining, had a cup of coffee. I need coffee or I'm worthless.

I finally packed up the cheesecake and headed to my cousin's house. There was a good crowd. Some Brady's (Robinson's) were missing as they are in the process of moving to Denver. Others were celebrating with their new family units which is expected and quite OK. I was fortunate enough to be invited to my cousin's house where the traditional Brady Christmas meal was served.

What is the traditional Brady Christmas meal you ask???

It's spaghetti and meatballs with Italian sausage, Romano cheese and a sauce that is to die for. My Aunt Mary Ellen initiated the tradition many years ago. As you might expect, she was of Italian dissent, second generation. She had a family recipe that she has made for us Irish for years. It is Da Bomb. Very good. She took off to see Jesus in the Fall, but my Uncle learned the trade well and so provided the sauce. He has a variation on it that is just a bit spicier and I love it.

There was also wine this year. It was very good. I suspect there is wine every year, but I can't prove that. I believe there was a concern that we would be offended...'we' being my parents. I would not have been offended. Dennis and Laurie...well that's another issue. Dad claims never to have had a drink in his life. And even though Mom is gone now, I know for a fact that she enjoyed the occasional adult beverage, at least in her early adult years. Whatever. I have been of a mind that it's really a lot of bullshoi anyway. Enjoying wine or an adult beverage is not a sin. I think the whole fundie Christian thing about alcohol grows out of the temperance movement in the 19th century anyway and we all know what that lead to....feminism. So Christian, raise a glass. Enjoy. I did.

The family fellowship was good too. My family is the best. They are smart, they are funny, they are talented and they love Jesus. What more could you want in a family right? I love y'all

Jesus, I know it was most likely not your actual birthday, but since we don't know when that was (probably in September around high holidays), I hope you had a good birthday. I still can't get past God having a birthday...You are so intense. It makes a man's brain hurt. Thanks for coming. Hope to see You soon. Maranatha!    

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