Thursday, December 1, 2016


Many of you already know, but Dad is in the hospital with a fractured hip. Yesterday, in the morning around 7:15, he was out in the yard with the dog. He went up on the east deck of the house, turned around and came back. As he stepped down from the deck into a pile of leaves, he slipped and fell. I was inside at the time. I had just showered and was getting dressed. I heard a pounding upstairs. I finished dressing and came upstairs. Dad was not in his chair, so I went outside. He had been pounding on the deck wall. He had pulled himself up on the deck wall and was standing, but said he couldn't walk. I went to the garage and got Grandpa's walker. I got him to the car with the walker and we went to the ER. X-rays revealed a fractured hip. He will have surgery today. Rehab is in his future and then, I think, full time nursing care at a facility. His days of being home alone during the day have come to an end. I do not believe he is safe. It's interesting because it was just Monday that he was riding the lawn mower and chopping leaves. Things can change fast.

I will advise about how the surgery went later. Thanks so much for your prayers and visits. Christian friends and family are the best.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry, Jeff. My thoughts and prayers are with the two of you.


Be Gentle.