Saturday, December 24, 2016


So, to the question I get asked everywhere I go, here is an answer.

Dad is OK. Not good, not bad, but in a good place. It's true that he does not eat much or drink enough water. It is true that he does not cooperate with his physical therapists. But he does have a certain peace about him right now that I cannot explain. He is learning to scoot around pretty good in his wheel chair. He likes to hang around at the nurses station and he always seems to know me when I arrive. He told a passing stranger yesterday that I was his little boy. She surely thought I was old enough to be a fellow inmate. Whatever.

I would not call him settled. I would not say he is getting any better. I'm not even sure he knows where he is at. But he does not seem unhappy either. This works for me. I am not dissatisfied with this outcome.

If you are out and about and in the neighborhood, stop by to see him. Parkridge is just west of New Life Church on the same street. He will always greet you, even if he does not know who you are. His roommate's name is Earl Stone. Earl is a bit of a character. You will like him. I'm not sure Dad knows Earl is there, but that's OK. Many at Parkridge are not cognizant of the others that are present. It's a very peaceful place for that reason I am sure.

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