Friday, October 14, 2016

7 Unbiblical Statements That Christians Believe

There is an interesting and short article in Relevant Magazine about seven things that Christians errantly believe; things that are not supported by scripture. Two of them are particularly ubiquitous in Christian quarters these days and I find myself wondering why we believe them. I have heard these little bits of faux wisdom frequently from various Churchians in recent years and I always think they are ignorant in the extreme. Let's just say they irritate me to the point of indignation. Here are the biggest of the seven lies. Yes, lies.
5. God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle
6. Bad Things Happen to Good People

Let me just say, in agreement with the writer, Shane Pruitt, that God regularly gives us more than we can handle. Further, He has a purpose in this. We are to live by faith, dependent on Him and NOT on ourselves. Some people believe that God is teaching self reliance when troubles come into our lives. Self reliance is based in pride. It's true that God gave us brains and He expects us to use them, but I think He is more interested in having our brains pointed toward Him, relying on Him in the difficult and overwhelming times of crisis. 
Then there is the whole 'bad things happen to good people' lie. Who is good? Jesus said that only God is good, so where does that put everyone else? Seriously, if you want to make the statement correct, you would have to express it this way..."bad things happen to people". It's what people do with the bad stuff that is relevant. Relying on God when the feces hit the oscillating wind device is about the best thing one can do. It may not make the bad seem better, but at least you will not be enduring whatever it is alone. The whole notion of 'good people' really grates against everything we know about ourselves. Scripture tells us that no one is without sin; that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. 

So friends, fall back into the everlasting arms of Jesus and hang on for dear life. It may be a bumpy ride, but He will not drop you. Rest safe in the knowledge that you are His prized possession. He gave His life for you. It's what God gave Him to do. It was a bad thing, but God was with Him and he handled it. Yes, I know that you are not Jesus, but you are probably not facing crucifixion either. Buck up and move forward in faith. Isn't it our goal to be more like Him anyway?   

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