Saturday, August 27, 2016

Sergius and Bacchus

Pictured here are two heroes of the Faith, martyrs of our Lord, Jesus Christ. They are Sergius and Bacchus, two Roman soldiers that were attached to the household of Emperor Maximilian.

Their faith was a secret, but their love for each other was not. In an age when it was OK to be gay, but not Christian, the faith of these two Roman soldiers was discovered and so they were both arrested and tortured to death for refusing to sacrifice to Jupiter. They both died confessing their undying love and faith in Jesus Christ and for each other.

Interesting no? I thought so. Apparently there was a same sex right of marriage in the ancient Greek Orthodox Church. It was not supposed to be of a sexual nature per se, but it was considered to be a life long love bond with a very good friend of the same sex. I would imagine that these two were bound to each other in this way.

There story deserves more research. I find them interesting. I find the concept of a sexless same sex marriage to be appealing too. I have loved men without loving them sexually. It happens. When it goes both ways in such a relationship, why not make your vows together?

I'm sure someone out there has an answer for me. Go ahead. Let me have it.

I may be husband material after all. Wow.

Here they are again in another woodcut. They look a bit gay here too, but no one in the 4th century seemed concerned about that. The Church even canonized them.

   What do you think?

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