Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Political Commentary

Yes, I suppose that's a warning. You never know what you're going to get with me and politics. I am not predictably conservative or liberal. I am all over the board. At the core of my political views is this:

The government should build roads and bombs and stay the heck out of everything else.

Ya, I am a minimalist when it comes to government. Recently, however, I have come to the conclusion that government, as it is now constituted, is committing suicide on purpose. There is not so much a redistribution of wealth going on as there is a rearrangement or erasure of national borders. It's like the store is open and everything is free for as long as it lasts if you decide to move now. It is happening all over the world, it seems purposeful and planned. Some nations are taking extreme measure to prevent this wave of immigration from taking over their country. Walls are being built in Hungary. Extreme right wing political parties are taking power in Europe. Great Britain has freed itself from the Eurobeast and France has outlawed the burkini at beaches. Indeed, it would seem that the natural home of white people in Europe is being enveloped by a brown tide from Syria, Lebanon and the African continent.

Here in America, the brown tide is mostly from Mexico, Central American and points south. There is some African and middle eastern influences in the current immigration wave and these also seem to be the dangerous ones that spout the need for Sharia law, halil food products, female circumsicion and spousal abuse.

And so the culture wars are on in Europe and America. There seems to be a silent war on the rank and file Caucasians in the west. It's like those in power want to dilute our IQ's and skin color with other genetic strains, the purpose of which can only be deemed as nefarious.

Do I say this because I am a racist NAZI sympathizer bent on extermination of everything except white folks?

No, you ignoramus.

I say this because without white folks, y'all are gonna die. 

We are the most productive and innovative race on the face of the earth. Many IQ studies confirm that we are also the most intelligent of the human species. You need us. If you dilute our gene pool or wipe us out, you will all end up turning our lands into the same rat infested, 3rd world cesspools you left in your own countries. If you expect to just move in and live as we do, you will find it more than difficult and if we are gone, there will be no one to pay your bills.

So....I support the likes of Donald Trump, Nigel Farrage and Viktor Obran.

Viktor's recent words ring true and should be applied here in the US...

“Today it is written in the book of fate, that hidden, faceless world powers will eliminate everything that is unique, autonomous, age-old, and national. They will blend cultures, religions, and populations, until our many-faceted and proud Europe will finally become bloodless and docile. If we resign ourselves to this outcome, our fate will be sealed and we will be swallowed up in the enormous belly of the United States of Europe. 
We must therefore drag the ancient virtue of courage out from under the silt of oblivion.
First of all, we must put steel in our spines, and we must answer clearly, with a voice loud enough to be heard far and wide, the single most important question determining out fate. The question upon Europe stands of falls is this:
Shall we be slaves – or men set free?” 

It needs to stop. This mass immigration needs to stop. The random destruction by the west of these immigrant's homelands needs to stop too. They come here and to Europe because of the Zionist neocon warmonger's need to control and reorder the world. Neoconservatism is nothing more than Trotskyite Marxism in a Brooks Brothers suit anyway. We have to rid ourselves of it. It is the vile poison behind this mess and it must be stamped out. It crosses party lines in Europe and the US. You will have to work a bit to find people that know the truth, but they are there.

Here in the US, Donald Trump is talking the talk. We may well have the opportunity to see if he can walk the walk. I am excited about the possibility of a reboot in America's right wing. In Europe, the answer may a bit more toxic. People are angry there and rightly so. Liberal, socialist Europe is about to convulse and the outcome may be more extreme than here.

So be it. Let the revolution begin.

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