Friday, August 26, 2016

A New Blog for a New Day

My world is small. There are not many people in it. Even though I work for a multinational corporation that has 400,000 employees and countless contractors and vendors, I work in a small office of six people. I go to a conservative Christian church that sports 280 to 320 in attendance on a given Sunday. I have a handful of friends that I trust and several acquaintances. I care for a father with Alzheimer's and I do not have much of a social life. I am kind of introverted so it's not that big of a deal. I am not great at it, but I do like to write. I also teach adult Sunday school classes in my church.

Sounds pretty normal, or at least not abnormal right?

I may have left out some stuff.

I am also gay (celibate by choice). I used to identify politically as Libertarian, but now I am more a part of the new alternative right wing. We are nationalists. We do not believe in egalitarianism. We reject the neo-conservitism that the Republican party promotes and that many Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are so fond of. They are all "Cuckservatives" because they have cuckolded the people that supported them for years. I could go on but I will not.

The point is, that I am kind of weird, particularly for my age; a Christian, same sex attracted, new alt right, male senior citizen. Yup, that's me. I am outside of all the boxes and trying to destroy or change the ones inside those boxes. I despise the status quo.

I want to restore Christian liberty to the Church, the nation and the world. I want to see globalism and multinational organizations destroyed. I want to see the message of the gospel restored and preached and 'churchianity' emasculated.


Bring it on.

This will be what we discuss here. The end of the current power structure and those that support such foolishness. From the bankers, to the TV evangelists to the global warming sci fi scientists, to the one worlders. It all has to be stopped. Put on the brakes. Throw her in reverse and then make a sharp right turn toward reality. I am so ready for that.      

This is the stuff of Faith and the Unreasonable. This is where I am going. If you are a believer, then join me. If you are a Believer, then join me. We may seem unreasonable to those in charge, but that's OK. They will not be in charge much longer.

The paradigm is about to shift. Live free or die as they say in New Hampshire. Let us bring reason to the unreasonable and apply it to our lives.

There are stranger things in heaven and earth then are dreamt of in your philosophy. Lets' test drive some of them.

Welcome to my new blog.

1 comment:

  1. I have really enjoyed and been challenged with the sermons over the past few weeks. Now, I know different persons pick out different salient points from what's spoken, but my take is that we need to witness, to evangelize the world....not think so much about ourselves but focus on the worship and witnessing. Of course I already knew this but now I am challenged to get on with it. If we don't tell them (the gospel message), how will they (the world) know? No church is perfect but I get a lot from ours. I surely do appreciate, and will miss, Dave. Steve will do great too. I look forward to your reflections.
    Blessings, Beth


Be Gentle.