Friday, August 18, 2017

I Have A Complaint

I know, right? Unbelievable. But seriously, while it is not Festivus time yet, I need an early Airing of the Grievances. It's just one thing. It has nagged me for decades. It's something that I get from various members on my father's side of the family. I will say it once to all of you.

I have no brothers and sisters. I am an only child. And please do not refer to me by my Uncle's name.

My grandparents did it when they were alive. As a rule, they would correct themselves, but it happened frequently. My father did it when he was alive. Not sure why. Was he maybe in denial that I was his son? Not sure. I have even heard my Uncle refer to my dad as my brother. And now, just yesterday, I get a thank you card for a graduation gift from a second cousin in Missouri. She addresses me as 'Uncle Jeff'.

For years it has been more like I was the third son of my grandparents. Perhaps it's because I spent so much time with them when I was young, but they all seem to have some confusion about who I really am in the family. Now, I suppose there could be something I don't know about the family history, but I think it's a very unusual phenomenon. There was even some confusion at Christmas among my second cousins about how exactly I was related to them. One of the brighter ones explained to the others that I was their second cousin once removed. I'm not sure that even I understand that, but as long as they know I am not their uncle, I am good with it.

Thanks...I feel better now.

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