Friday, July 28, 2017

Another Benchmark in the Downfall of Modern Society

This video says much about the loss of human decency and even the loss of what it means to be human in our world. Have we become meatsuits without souls? Has the last vestiges of good in humanity been extinguished by technology? How often do you see someone in any context without their smartphone? Watch the video. It's less than eight minutes long. Is this the way of our future?


  1. I don't need an encouraging word via text or Facebook when it's convenient, I need a hug or a handshake that touches the depth of my soul!

  2. While I do text from time to time, I'm not on Facebook, so it's doubtful that we would communicate either way.

    The hug/handshake is a possibility. I've never been good at touching souls though. I'm not sure I have one. The rumor is that gingers have no soul. When am I likely to see you next?

    I'm not even sure who you are. The beach2farm handle would seem to indicate that you are Karla. How am I doing?

  3. The comment was in support of another great connection younhave brought to the attention of your readers. Oh for a personal touch, imagine if Jesus' death was only via podcast, or His healing executed via im...good use of eight minutes!


Be Gentle.