Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Thirteen Days Until Spring

We are getting close. Spring is at hand. I offer you evidence.

The little white flowers are snow drops. There is also the greenery of daffodils and hyacinth yet to come, but it will not be long.

I got my fishing license yesterday and did some fishing. I did not catch anything. I think the water is still too cold, but it was good to get out. There was also considerable insect activity and some small amphibians about. Canada geese seem to have paired off and other migratory birds seem to have arrived. The red winged black birds are back and I may have mentioned I saw bluebirds. Once the turkey vultures and orioles arrive, it should be time to start the mower...I am really looking forward to that. Ya, right.

Walleye is also back at Culver's. Had some yesterday. I might get some more today. I love me some deep fried walleye with fries. Mmmmmmm!

I think the animals sense the season change too. I captured two more raccoons; one on Sunday and one on Monday as pictured below. Forgot to set the trap last night. I doubt I'm done. You would think my owl would be feasting on these critters so I don't have to trap them and take them to Yellow Banks, but no. He would rather sit in a tree and hoot at me all night. Anyway, here are the coons.

I would like to relocate all my rodents and marsupials to Yellow Banks. I suppose they serve some purpose in creation. They just need to do it somewhere else and not under my deck. Someone said they were cute. You have no idea how crabby a raccoon or opossum can be. It might be why the owl prefers mice. They just don't struggle as much.

Daylight savings time arrives this weekend; Sunday morning, the 12th at 2:00 AM to be precise. We all 'spring forward' and lose an hour of sleep. My advice is to just reset your clocks on Saturday morning, the 11th, and act like that's the actual time, then you will go to bed an hour earlier and not notice the loss quite so much. These temporal anomalies can mess up your circadian rhythms if you're not careful. We are all diurnal beings and we all require a certain amount of sleep. Loss of an hour can have an impact that you pay for all the rest of the week. You say you will take a nap. That can mess things up too. Be careful. That's all I'm saying. You could find yourself in an alternate time line where you will be crabby all week. Do not let your 'spring forward' throw you into another reality. It can be hard to find your way back.

I have an official retirement date. We are looking at May 1, 2017.

So then what? We will see. Let the adventure begin.


1 comment:

  1. Happy Spring! A few years back, a young possum was orphaned and it hung around our patio. One time it came over and sniffed Ron's shoe! It began taking refuge under our outdoor (covered) patio table. (That's supposed to be my cat's domain. :) ) At that point we trapped and took to Yellow Banks. One time when we lived in the other house, a mama possum was walking through and it had babies clinging to its back. A little kid went toward it calling, " Here kitty kitty." We retrieved the child. Then there is the tale of the raccoons in our garage....for another time. We have a lot of cats that come by. We feed them and then there are always more coming. I count 15 that have been here or still come here. The tame ones we take to the shelter so they can have a chance at a home. Critters!!!


Be Gentle.