Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Buzzards Are Back

I just noticed this morning that the Turkey Vultures have returned. They are interesting, but ugly (or should I say butt ugly) creatures. They glide the skies for what seems like hours in search of dead things to eat. There seems to be no shortage of carrion. Roadways are littered with the carcasses of jay walking rodents, marsupials, canines, felines and the occasional deer. I think it's the reason there are so many crows, vultures, owls, eagles and hawks. They will all settle for something dead if they can not get a fresh kill. You would think these lesser animals would learn how to cross the road, but no.

The owl that lives in the timber at my place was out late yesterday afternoon trying to catch baby squirrels in the treetops. They are amazing flyers that seem to be able to dodge and navigate through tree branches to get their prize. Owls creep me out. They make these horrendous noises in the pitch black darkness, they can turn their heads in what seems like 360 degrees and they can see like it was broad daylight at 3 AM.

Anyway, now that the buzzards are back, that just leaves the orioles. They should arrive between now and the first week of May. I think I will dig out some of Dad's oriole feeders. They are a beautiful bird. Enjoyable to look at and listen to.

A terror struck me this morning. With all the rain we've had, I think I may actually have to mow the lawn before May. I am going to have to get out there anyway. I need to remove some of the detritus from the gardens too. City Gardens should be out in May to put down some mulch and help with the rest of the clean up.

Dad about mowed the lawn to death last year. It's like he was planning to take it with him. There are many patches of bare ground that need seeded. The clover and dandelion are thick too. I may have to have someone out to do a weed, feed and seed type thing to the lawn. It will probably cost some bucks, but I seem to have no shortage of those right now. I will probably wish I had it back when my investments go south. Oh well. At least the lawn will look nice if I have to sell.

I will be working today. Off again tomorrow. After Friday, I will be left with one vacation day and 4 sick days to take between now and May 1 and then....then...I will be unemployed. I am going to try and schedule one of those days for April 18th. I want to inter Dad's ashes over at the cemetery on his birthday. I have to call the digger too. I don't want to do anything but drop him in the hole, say a quick prayer, mostly for me, and get outta there.  

Things left to do before May 1:

Approve my new Will.
Set up my new health insurance
Sell my stock and roll over my 401K
Advise Social Security that I am retired and will not collect anything until I am 70
Gather documentation for probate

Things to do after May 1:

Sell Mom and Dad's cars.
Sell Dad's boats
Sell my condo
Get estimates and begin repairs to the house
Mow the lawn again and again and again
Come up with something for Karla and I to teach this summer for our Sunday school class.

It will all be harder than you think. I am a procrastinator and lazy. You may have not known that about me, but it's true. Why do today what you can do later right?

So much for my 'dear diary' entry for today. And you would do well to ignore my paranoid ramblings from last night. When I woke this morning, I was sure I was wrong about my 'intuition' from the night before. Odd how it works. A little sleep can make all the difference with mental health. Don't let yourself get tired, hungry or lonely. It can cause all kinds of delusions. Sometimes I'm just whacked. It's probably going to get worse before I die, so buckle your seat belts. I see turbulence on the radar.

But right now, the seat belt light is turned off. Please feel free to get out of your seat and move about the cabin. I will advise if things change. Off to work now. I'm sure they've missed me. Later  

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