Friday, February 24, 2017

The March Is On

I know that February is not yet spent, but we are getting close. Until today, the weather has been unusually nice with some days in the 70's. It's almost as if March was early by a week. To date, I have seen hundreds, maybe thousands of migrating water fowl. There are the usual suspects, Canada geese and many varieties of ducks. I have also observed swans in formation as well as pelicans in their telltale flight circlings to catch the updraft to the jet stream. On my place I have seen herds of robins. They are in the yard right now, maybe 20 of them. I have also seen a pair of bluebirds. I do not usually see bluebirds until the end of March or early April. It all adds up to and early spring in my book despite the snow and ice today with lows in the 20's this weekend. I will take it.

I will be going back to work for another week next week. My coworkers seem to be getting used to life without me. This is good. It's time for me to go. I'm hoping to be out by the end of April or early May. I can feel this transition. It's almost as if I am too relaxed. I think the remainder of my life will be good or at least comfortable. Dennis and Laurie left me in good shape financially. When I add my life savings to theirs, I do not think I will be able to spend it all unless I live to some unnatural age.

Not so long ago, it was my thought to sell the place they left me and sell my condo, moving on to something else. My mind seems to be changing. I like it here. It's quiet. There are woods and gardens and lawns - about 6 acres. Two decks on the house. I sat outside on the east deck the other night, built a fire in the fire pit, leaned back in my chair with my feet up and watched the stars. It was glorious. Then there is the Jacuzzi tub in the master bathroom.

There is also much to do. Lawn mowing and garden keeping and needed repairs to the house and some remodeling to make it my own.

I want to keep it. It makes me happy.

It's close to church, to friends and to family. Why would I want to live anywhere else. These are my peeps. And so I must stay.



  1. Glad you are enjoying your home. It is truly beautiful - the house and the yard. Glad too that retirement is coming soon. Happy days ahead, Jeff!

  2. Congrats Jeff, making the final decisions on issues of this nature is the hardest part, I think.
    Enjoy the changes coming to your life.


Be Gentle.