Thursday, December 21, 2017

Winter Soltice 2017

December 21, 2017 - the winter solstice. The sun reaches its lowest point in the southern sky creating the shortest day and longest night of the year. In ancient times it was celebrated as the Saturnalia, the time of death and rebirth of the sun god. The ancients would party for a week. Slaves were allowed to do as they pleased.

On December 25th, the rebirth of the sun would become more obvious. Days would grow progressively longer and the nights shorter. In four months time, the earth would begin to recognize this and respond by once again producing life after a long winter of discontentment culminating in the vernal equinox.

And so it has gone, century in and century out, for millenia.

As to exactly how the birth of Jesus Christ came to be recognized as occurring at the same time as the rebirth of the sun (god) - well that's a simple matter really. Or not. Some blame Emperor Constantine. Others blame the ancient church that wanted to display their victory over the pagans by taking over their holidays. Whatever the case, I find it very doubtful that Christ was born into this world on December 25th.

Even so, as a Christ follower myself, I find I must cling to Him at this time of year because the darkness is so great, I fear it will overtake me. Many that live in the northern hemisphere would agree with me. The darkness and cold are too much to bear. Perhaps I should move to South America. If only I spoke Spanish.

Whatever the case, we do live in interesting times. Many of the heroes of the social justice wars are falling and continue to fall. There is the scent of real justice in the air. They have been foisted on their own petards. Pray this continues. The outlook is bright. May God bless the efforts of the Emperor.

You see, despite the darkness, I have hope. A light burns in me that was placed there by the Nazarene. His Father is in control and His plans work even now to the ultimate good of all who have this Light and love Him. So let the dark come. It will soon pass away

Victory is at hand.

Not sure what all that was about, but I needed to write something. Thanks for sticking with me as I plow through the darkness.

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