Tuesday, May 28, 2019

One Loose Pebble Can Cause an Avalanche

Or something like that....it's been and interesting day. This morning I was up at 6 AM. I had been fasting since yesterday in anticipation of my visit to the doctor today at 10 AM. I wake up slow. I have to stare off into space a bit until the brain has completed its reboot. After that, I hit the shower, brushed my teeth and took my atorvastatin (cholesterol medication). After drying and tending to my dermatologist induced wounds of May 13th, I checked my phone. At around 8 AM I received a call from the dermatologist. One of my biopsies came back as "inconclusive" for a disease called sarcoidosis.

I have never heard of this disease and I am wondering what it is, meanwhile the nurse at the dermatology clinic is telling me I need a chest x-ray in the next two weeks since the disease most often manifests on the skin, lungs and heart and less frequently the liver, kidneys and central nervous system. I told the nurse I was going to the doctor at 1000 AM and would she send this information immediately to my physician. And she did. 

I had some time before I needed to leave, so like any hypochondriac with an Internet connection, I looked up sarcoidosis. The Wikipedia says this...

"Sarcoidosis is a disease involving abnormal collections of inflammatory cells that form lumps known as granulomas.[2]The disease usually begins in the lungs, skin, or lymph nodes.[2] Less commonly affected are the eyes, liver, heart, and brain.[2] Any organ, however, can be affected.[2] The signs and symptoms depend on the organ involved.[2] Often, no, or only mild, symptoms are seen.[2] "

And this....

"The cause of sarcoidosis is unknown.[2] Some believe it may be due to an immune reaction to a trigger such as an infection or chemicals in those who are genetically predisposed.[12][13] Those with affected family members are at greater risk.[4] Diagnosis is partly based on signs and symptoms, which may be supported by biopsy.[6]"

This is not the best news to wake up to, but it certainly changed my doctor's plans during my physical. Not only did I get the usual blood draw and poking and prodding at both ends; I also got an EKG and a chest x-ray. To this point, the only test results I have gotten came from the radiologist. His report said the following:

"Both lungs are expanded and clear and the cardiopulmonary structures and pleural surfaces overall appear unremarkable. There is minor prominence of the pulmonary artery conus regions, could reflect underlying pulmonary hypertension. No chest mass or adenopathy noted."

So based on what you see in Italics above, my doctor has referred me too a pulmonologist for a future appointment. I may end up getting PET scanned. We shall see. Meanwhile, I have to go back to the dermatologist on Monday so they can look for more granulomas on my skin.

All of this was caused by one inconclusive biopsy of a skin lesion. A lot of money is getting spent on something inconclusive. The worst part is that this disease is incurable and nearly untreatable, except with Prednisone which knocks down your immune system and keeps it from attacking your body. I have had that before in other situations. Not sure I am going to do that. It makes one puffy, causes weight gain and acne...it's a steroid. And since this disease seldom kills the victims, I may opt out of treatment.

The only good news today is that after a month of being off my blood pressure meds, my BP is still normal.

I think I'm fine. Let's see them try to make me sick

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