Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spring is Tardy

The calendar indicates that this is the first day of spring. The vernal equinox is upon us. However, the signs of spring are fewer in number than might be considered normal for this time of year. It's my considered opinion that the calendar needs an adjustment. It seems to me that in recent years, it has been warmer into fall and early winter, not really getting cold until January and February and then the cold trails off slowly right into April.

I have seen appropriate numbers of Robins returning and Sunday I saw red winged blackbirds searching the ditches for suitable nesting areas, but no bluebirds yet and strangely, no turkey vultures. Given the amount of carrion along the roadsides, it would be nice to have them here for clean up. Even so, there is much birdsong in the morning hours and this gives me hope for warmer days ahead. On Monday I was at Saylorville Reservoir and there were pelicans and cormorants in large numbers. Considering the temps, I'm surprised they did not head back south, but I guess it's the angle of the earth in space that drives them north along with the position of the sun in the sky.

We need some heat people. Right now, it's only 36 degrees. There will be damage to the perennials if this cold continues. Still, creation is trying. Some snowdrops have made through and the magnolia trees have some fat buds. Spring might yet happen.

Lord, please bring some heat to these old tired bones and bring life from death as is your normal pattern of behavior. We love You for this among many other things. Please stretch out your mighty hand and let spring flow from it. Invigorate your bass and walleye. Let the bluegill and crappie again flourish under the heat of the star you created for that purpose. It's time to stir things to life again.

I love your spring. Where is it? I want to lie down in green pastures and go fishing beside still morning waters. I wait for you to restore my soul, to walk with me with Your goodness and mercy not far behind. Please bring it.


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